Monday, August 31, 2009


These are goldfinches eating food when there was a storm.

Cedar River

Here is the Cedar River when we drove by it when we were picking up Case.

Rain rain, come again

Here is some water coming out of my Grandma and Grandpa's spout.
It was heavy rain.

Washing the Dishes

Here is Case and Moriah "washing" the dishes.
Case loves any water! : )

We went to Whitey's for "dinner" tonight!
I got a banana malt. It was yummy!
So... my sisters, brother, dad and me ( so everyone except my mom) got back from Mason City last night!!
Moriah and I just got back from school though! Math is easy!! We learned most of it last year. So that's probably why it is so very easy!!
Well, that's all I have to say for now.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Brooke and MC

Today Brooke had a soccer game, they lost 2-6.
Also, we are going to go to Mason City to visit my grandpa!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Quiz and the Butterfly

Today Moriah and I have a math quiz today for school. But it's only for what we've learned for this week.
The picture to the left is a butterfly picture that I took a year ago.It's cool, isn't it??

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yesterday was my mom's birthday!!! : ) We went out to Culver's for Ice cream after my mom came home from her dad's.
Case wanted vanilla ice cream from a cone instead of vanilla ice cream in a cup.

Today, well, tonight, we went to our grandparents house. I took some pictures of some goldfinches, but I haven't downloaded them to the computer yet.

The picture to the right, is Case looking at a movie of him one mom's phone. He loves Movies.

When we were in the car today, he wanted to watch this one movie, but it wasn't in the car.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This is Moriah, reading a book for school.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cool Moon

Here is a picture of the moon I took last night. If you ever take a picture of the moon, zoom up really close, and you can see the crates! I did that, and It looked awesome.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Case playing with his legos upstairs.

Brooke #37

This is Brooke, my sister number 37 in the game Brooke's team lost. :( But at least I got some pictures!

There's Case a year ago hugging Dad. I think he was tired.

Orange Sunset

This is the sunset right out my house. There was pink. orange, blue, and purple clouds. Most of the sunset was just orange. Isn't it pretty?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

This is my brother Case at Brooke's soccer game. He was tired!
Brooke's team lost 8-1 or something like that.

This is my sister, Brooke. She came home after her team won their first soccer game 7-4.

My First Blog Entry

This is my brother and me playing with legos before Case ( my brother ) went to bed.