Sorry I'm not updating my blog a lot, it's because my camera is having problems.
Anyway, at Central Middle School, where Moriah and I go part time, some people that work at the School Board said we can't have any more orchestra om Mondays because our teacher needs to work with the 5th graders and theur instruments. Well, the 7th and 8th grade orchestra students are compaining about it ( Whitch I agree with ). So, the 8th graders are making a movie about how orchestra is so important and all, while we ( 7th graders ) are writing letters to the School Board. My mom helped us write a letter to the School Board, and one paragraph said something like this:
When the old high school teacher was still here, she taught both 5th graders and the high school students. She taught the 5th graders afer school lesson. Why can't the new high school teacher do the same? Or if there is any "Sceduale C " money, then higher a new teacher and she can do the after school lessons.
Anyway, that's how that paragraph went.
Oh! Speaking about orchestra, Brooke got a cello a week ago!! It looks very small compared to my bass.
And I have good grades on orchestra amd math!! :)
Um... I'm doing, well, finished a report on the question ' Do you belive in Fate? So if you want to tell me what you think about that question, please write a comment on that!! Thanks.
My cousin came last weekend from Minnisoda! He is so funny. We went to a friend's house and shot- well, my cousin, me and Moriah one gun- and my parenrs and uncle shot my cousin's gun. WOW! Guns are supper loud!! I was deaf afterwords!!! But, it was fun. And my Dad bought the hanheld gun that I got to shoot.
Well, that's all I have to say right now, Bye!